Friday, June 5, 2009

Free the weed

This is the video from my blogging communications class about Ann Arbor's annual Hash Bash. It somehow has 22 views on YouTube, which is funny because I don't remember watching it 22 times and I can't imagine who else would.

The video was a pain in the ass -- but fun! -- to make. The week my group and I were slaving away on this is the same week a guest speaker from NPR told our class that all journalists today are multimedia journalists; you can't just write and interview anymore, you have to do stuff with cameras, radio, web, blogs, etc. etc. etc just to stay relevant. He then told us he was "exhausted" and never got to see his family. bleak...

This video is also the reason everyone at the CIC Spring Staff Retreat thought I was high, because I showed up after Hash Bash tired, smelling like weed and carrying french fries. And when our boss tried to take a group photo for the website, I attempted to lean myself out of the frame and fell down. I still ended up in the photo:

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